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OFAC sanctions José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero's benefactors

OAS Secretary General Luis Almagro described best the actions of Spain's former Prime Minister José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero vis-a-vis Venezuela, when he said recently that Zapatero was "an imbecile". Almagro said that someone who needs seven clarifications to understand something must be an imbecile. Almagro does not know, though assumes as everyone else, that Zapatero is an apologist for Nicolas Maduro's regime, working hard towards keeping Maduro's criminal organization in power. But this site knows better: Zapatero is -at a minimum- a recipient of in-kind payments from people closely associated to chavismo, ergo completely dishonest.

Majed Khalil Majzoub (aka Majed Khalil) has many business interests in Venezuela. A notorious one is as trusted proxy of Diosdado Cabello. Another, less known, is as proxy / orchestrator / executor for Jorge and Delcy Rodriguez. Jorge and Delcy sit right at the top of the chavista food chain. Beyond their current official roles, they seem to be involved in pretty much everything. One of such involvements is to "engage" with the "opposition", in "negotiated talks and dialogue". The charade has been "brokered" -among others- by Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero, Spain's former PM.

U.S. intelligence sources have been investigating Majed Khalil for a while. Khalil has had a number of U.S. incorporated businesses (Florida). Of particular interest is CONTINENTAL BOOKING & TRAVEL CORP (EIN 80-0915782). Continental was fronted by Noreidis Hernandez Jimenez, Khalil's proxy. Sources report that Jorge and Delcy Rodriguez instructed Khalil to use a travel agency, so that air fares, hotel reservations, and all else related to the "negotiated talks and dialogue" would be done through a seemingly separate, independent entity. The goal was to avoid leaving financial footprints that would show an evident link between Zapatero-like "negotiators" and the Venezuelan regime.

Zapatero has been a recipient of Khalil's travel agency largesse for years. Sources claim that Continental basically acted as Zapatero's bespoke travel agents. People associated to it continued doing so after dissolution (Sep. 2015). While this sort of arrangement may seem innocuous considering the staggering amounts involved in Venezuela's corruption, it sure is hugely embarrassing for Zapatero, who as Spain's former PM gets a decent income -for life-, security detail, and benefits afforded to high office that would allow him to meet own travel expenditure.

This site was shown some of the evidence: dates, flight numbers, air fares, costs, etc. OFAC sanctions to Jorge and Delcy Rodriguez, combined with a file of incriminating evidence in the hands of federal agents, should eliminate Zapatero's further involvement in any negotiation pertaining Venezuela's future.


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