Message to INFODIO readers: investigative journalism, which is what this site does, takes lots of time. Visiting media looking for a quick run down on Venezuela's gargantuan corruption, have the decency to at least cite the source when plagiarising this site's content without attribution (exhibit Reuters here and here, exhibit Bloomberg here, exhibit OCCRP here). To all readers, do the right thing, the honest thing: support independent investigative journalism, help us expose rampant corruption. Note added 28/06/2021: impostors are using INFODIO's former editor's full name, and a fake email address (alek.boyd.arregui at to send copyright infringement claims / take down requests to web hosting companies (exhibit Hostgator). The attempt is yet another effort paid by corrupt thugs to erase information about their criminal activities. has no issues with other websites / journalists using / posting information published here, so long as the source is properly cited.

July 2020

Eurotankers Inc's helps PDVSA avoid Treasury sanctions

MT Europride, if a search would be run right now, is an oil products tanker, IMO 9157777, owned by Eurotankers Inc, a shipping company that was recently reported in the news for involvement in a gasoline cargo with Wilmer Ruperti. PDVSA sources have informed this site about a rather odd operation currently taking place with Europride in Venezuela. Fearing further sanctions, Europride is to become Almada. It is waiting at the ready to be released. Trouble is, paperwork coming from a fresh registered @gmail address is all dodgy. TIPCO, through Asdrubal Chavez as per our sources, is involved.

Will Rafael Ramirez escape Banca Privada D'Andorra's money laundering evidence?

Got a phone call the other day from Ricard Poy, a very good source in all things Andorra, to tell me that his book, "Las Siete Plagas de BPA", was published. This is great news, as I have known the fierce opposition there's been for Ricard's book, not least from constraints imposed by his former employer (Diari d'Andorra), and from the Cierco brothers (money launderers that owned Banca Privada d'Andorra - BPA).

UPDATED: Reliance got an OFAC license to trade with PDVSA: four cargoes to be lifted in August

SEE UPDATE BELOW - The latest back in chavista land is that Reliance, Mukesh Ambani's energy company, is due to lift four cargoes in August, in addition to 1MB lifted in early July. Sources have informed this site that Reliance has gotten an OFAC license from U.S. Treasury to trade with PDVSA. A call made to Treasury to corroborate was replied with an explanation that only licensee/s, or their legal counsel, can obtain information about own license/s: no information can be given to third parties.

Christopher Steele contributed to Russia Report...

We have got to comment, don't we, that Russia Report. Another fine example of "independent inquiries" so cherished by the useless / toothless British establishment. After much political wrangling it was finally published yesterday. It is an exercise in futility, an exhibit of the kind of efficiency in problem solving that characterises the ruling class in this country.

Back online after attack coming from AWS servers

We apologise to our readers. This site was taken offline last Friday due to yet another crippling attack that caused some serious issues to our webhost. On 12 July, this proxy of Diosdado Cabello sent a threat demanding corruption information about him to be deleted in 72 hours from this site. Then on Friday, I got another voicemail from this other thug, laughing, probably drugged. This site has many enemies.

Wilmer Ruperti accuses Rafael Ramirez, Baldo Sanso of extortion

There's a case currently being disputed in London courts, whereby Wilmer Ruperti is suing Novoship for breach of a settlement agreement. Burford Capital, and its executive Daniel Hall, have been lumped with defendant Novoship for making unlawful use of information -without Novoship's knowledge or consent- obtained in the course of due diligence checks and investigation for which Novoship had retained Hall.

BREAKING | PDVSA to eliminate trading info from SAP; Xiamen Logistic Grass another Alex Saab shell

PDVSA sources have informed this site that Tareck el Aissami, Venezuela's Oil Minister, has given specific instructions to eliminate all information about PDVSA's trading partners from its SAP system. A similar measure is to be implemented on PDVSA's crude lifting line up. According to sources, el Aissami is not quite happy with constant leaks that expose PDVSA's secrets, as posted in this site and others.